Office Space Available in the Airport Terminal Building
453 square feet consisting of two offices, walk in storage area, and a kitchenette. Call early and choose your colors and tenant specifics. Amenities include security, all utilities, parking.
Available Office Space: Suite 126
Lower level of Terminal Building 498 square feet 2 offices and 1 storage area Amenities include utilities, use of all common areas, parking, security; janitorial services available by contract
Rebecca O’Quinn Manager Human Resources and Administrative Services Tri-Cities Airport Authority (423) 325-6003 (423) 325-6041 fax Email:
Sidewalks located in front of the Tri-Cities Airport terminal building are currently being removed and replaced as part of the airport’s parking and frontage roadway construction project. The construction project provides wider walkways, better traffic flow, designated crosswalks and an improved look and function for the front of the airport. Drivers should proceed carefully in front of the terminal as construction workers and equipment are present.
The passenger drop-off and pick-up areas will be partially blocked as the sidewalks are removed and replaced. However, both areas will remain open allowing drivers up to five minutes to drop off and pick up passengers. The cell phone waiting lot is available free of charge for individuals requiring a longer wait time to pick up passengers.
“We realize this phase of construction will be an inconvenience and would like to ask for the public’s patience as we work to complete this project as quickly as possible,” said Kristi Haulsee, Director of Marketing and Air Service Development. “We would also like to remind passengers to arrive at the airport at the time recommended by the airlines, especially during this phase of construction. Passengers should arrive two hours prior to their Allegiant flight, and one and a half hours for Delta or American flights.”
As part of the airport’s improvements, a new credit-card-only parking lot was recently opened offering convenience and easy access to the covered walkway. The new lot is located on the right past rental car parking. Parking rates are $2.00 per hour or $10 per day with rates repeating every 24 hours.
Tri-Cities Airport improvements will continue through the summer with paving of Airport Circle once the sidewalks are complete. Upgrades in the baggage claim area and expansion of the general aviation ramp will also take place this summer.
The final phases of Tri-Cities Airport’s terminal frontage project are underway as milling and paving of Airport Circle begin tonight at 6:30 PM and continues through the daytime hours of Saturday. Completion of the asphalt binder course and temporary pavement markings is anticipated to be complete late afternoon on Saturday.
Milling and paving will take place during low traffic periods for minimal impact to passengers. Traffic will be maintained through the work area with a minimum of one lane open at all times. No milling and paving will be done immediately in front of the terminal building due to sidewalk construction. Drivers should proceed with caution as construction workers and equipment will be present during evening hours.
“We appreciate the continued patience of the public as we embark on this phase of the terminal frontage project,” said Kristi Haulsee, Director of Marketing and Air Service Development. “In order to have plenty of time to navigate the construction area, passengers need to arrive at the airport at the time recommended by the airlines.”
Work will continue on the terminal frontage project during the next few weeks to complete the sidewalks and crosswalks. New wayfinding and regulatory signs will be installed to aid motorists in navigating the airport.
Tri-Cities Airport improvements will continue through the summer with upgrades in the baggage claim area, a new passenger boarding bridge, and expansion of the general aviation ramp.
The Tri-Cities Airport’s terminal frontage project is complete and was christened with a celebration by airport and regional community leaders today.
This $6.24 million project was implemented to improve passenger convenience and safety in front of the terminal building. The project widened sidewalks, increased the size of the drop-off/pick-up lane, provided more curb frontage for vehicles to actively load and unload, improved pedestrian access to public parking lots, and provided landscaping features that present a better front door image to people visiting the region. A new cell phone waiting lot and credit card-only parking lot were also established as part of the project.
The project spanned three years with design work for Phase I beginning in April 2013 and design work for phase II beginning in February 2014. Construction started in March 2015 with sidewalks being removed on the parking lot side of the terminal front. More than 3,500 cubic yards of dirt was moved to make way for the upgrades.
As a result of the upgrades, short-term parking has 247 spaces including nine ADA accessible spaces, long-term parking has 722 spaces including 13 ADA accessible spaces, and the express credit card-only parking lot has 210 spaces including 10 ADA accessible spaces.
One very special item remains from the previous configuration of the terminal front, a statue of Senator Kenneth McKellar. The statue has been carefully restored to its original beauty and placed on a new base at the edge of short-term parking. Senator McKellar was a friend and advocate of commercial aviation and played a role in helping to establish Tri-Cities Airport. So much so, the airfield was named for him – McKellar Field.
Edgar Bowlin, internationally-known and local artist, sculpted the statue from marble in 1958. Bowlin is well-known for a bronze bust of Helen Keller, a statue named “Pleased Boy of Noble Street”, and many other pieces that include past presidents. He is also well-known for his paintings. The airport was honored to have Bowlin’s two sons, Col. Gladwyn Bowlin and Edgar Bowlin, Jr., at the celebration to see the restoration of their father’s work.
During 2015, the Airport Authority also completed several renovations to the interior of the main terminal. These improvements included construction of new restroom facilities at the mid-point of the existing restrooms, and renovations to the rental car wing of the terminal.
During 2015, the Airport Authority also completed several renovations to the interior of the main terminal. These improvements included construction of new restroom facilities at the mid-point of the existing restrooms, and renovations to the rental car wing of the terminal.
Additional improvements during 2016 include upgrades in the baggage claim area and a new passenger boarding bridge. A project was also begun that provides new concrete aircraft parking areas at the general aviation facilities, and grading to accommodate future expansion of the general aviation ramp. Tailwind Concessions has recently opened a new retail space in the concourse allowing expansion of the restaurant.
Consultants for the road front improvement project included Atkins Global Consulting, Versen Landscape Architects, and Armstong Aviation. Contractors for the project included Summers and Taylor, Acorn Electric, and Henderson Landscaping. The airport received $5.7 million in federal and state grants, and $93,267 in PFC funds toward the project.
For the 17th consecutive year, the Tri-Cities Airport Authority has been awarded a certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) for its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). The Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting, and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management.
An award of Financial Reporting Achievement was also presented to Rene Weber, Tri-Cities Airport Authority’s Director of Finance, for his role in preparing the award-winning CAFR.
“We are pleased to be recognized by the Government Finance Officers Association for our Annual Financial Report. I especially appreciate the effort and attention to detail that Rene Weber and the rest of the staff exhibit daily when managing the Airport’s finances.” said Patrick Wilson, TCAA Executive Director.
The Tri-Cities Airport Authority welcomes Kristi Haulsee as the new director of marketing and air service development. She replaces Melissa Thomas, who has held the position since 1996. Thomas is leaving the airport to take a more active role in her family business in Johnson City. Haulsee will be responsible for marketing, public relations and working with airlines to retain and recruit service.
Haulsee comes from a chamber of commerce and economic development background, most recently as a business development specialist for Bristol, Tennessee. Haulsee holds a bachelor’s degree in communications from Appalachian State University. She is from Kingsport and worked for the Kingsport Convention and Visitors Bureau and Kingsport Chamber of Commerce for six years. She relocated to Chattanooga and was Vice President of Member Services at the Chattanooga Area Chamber of Commerce for 10 years before returning to the Tri-Cities area.
“We are pleased to have Kristi join the Airport Authority’s management team,” says Patrick Wilson, Airport executive director. “”Kristi’s experience working with chambers of commerce, economic development and her familiarity with our region will prove valuable in her new role with the Tri-Cities Airport Authority.”
Individuals who are picking up passengers may park in the cell phone lot at no charge while waiting for their passenger to arrive. 10-spaces are available.
When parking in the cell phone lot, drivers must stay with their car. Drivers can access the cell phone waiting lot without entering the public parking lots.