Safety & Operations
Public Safety
To ensure you and your loved ones are as safe as possible, TRI employs professional police officers, aircraft rescue firefighters, and emergency medical personnel, which are available 24/7. Our Public Safety Officers (PSO) are all state-certified police officers and are all certified as emergency medical responders, both on the state and national level. Our PSOs are also cross-trained in aircraft rescue firefighting (ARFF). Several of our PSOs have obtained advanced training such as advanced ARFF and the Airport Master Firefighter designation. The Public Safety Officers receive monthly training in aircraft rescue firefighting. Law enforcement training is ongoing throughout the year. Under FAA guidelines, a full-scale disaster drill is held every three years that tests the Public Safety Department’s training and provides the opportunity to train closely with mutual responding agencies.

Irregular Operations (IROPS) Contingency Plan
This document provides the Irregular Operations (IROPS) Contingency Plan for TRI. This Plan recognizes that individual service provider plans and a coordinated effort by the airlines, airports, government agencies, and other aviation service providers are essential to successfully minimizing the impact of IROPS events on passengers.
To learn more, view the plan.
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
The FAA is the agency responsible for aviation safety, including air traffic control, runway and aircraft safety, training, certification, and more.
To learn more, visit:

Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
The TSA is the agency responsible for screening passengers at the security checkpoints of airports across the United States. TSA agents work hard to keep all modes of transportation safe and employ security officers, air marshals, managers, directors, and inspectors in that mission.
To learn more, visit: